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  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:有限责任公司
  • 公司地址: 广东省 佛山市 南海区 狮山镇 罗湖社区 罗村北湖一路22号
  • 姓名: 郭自坡
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证已认证 微信已绑定


         佛山市灵普照明科技有限公司,位于中国日用五金之都 ---- 佛山市南海区狮山罗村镇 ,主要从事 LED 灯饰照明产品研发,制造和销售的综合性厂商,专注于现代简约家居、商业重点照明灯光艺术的研究和设计,致力打造中国商用领域具备一定影响力的设计服务生产商和您的忠实合作伙伴。
         “‘灵’敏的潮尚触角,‘普’及欧美范的商居简约灯饰”是灵普照明不变的使命。我司在家居简欧系 LED 壁灯、餐饮商用轨道射灯、高档社区草坪庭院灯等领域均有较大突破,配以成品多角度实拍、生产流程、环境效果图等手段为客户提供了更丰富完整的表现形式。彻底改变了以往单一的表现模式。并为各类合作伙伴提供了专业贴心的设计服务,建立了广泛深入牢固的战略合作伙伴。三位一体的表现手法将设计意图更丰富更直观的传达给终端用户,使我们赢在设计、赢在理念!
           Foshan Lingpu technology co., LTD,locate in the town of the China Daily hardware capital,shishan luo cun town nanhai district,foshan city,is mainly engaged in LED lighting development,production and sales of integrated manufacturers,focusing on contracted household, commercial lighting art research and design, is committed to building infuence in China commercial lighting design and service producers and faithful partner to you.
           "ling"Acute of fashion,"PU" popularize Europe commerce and contracted ligting always is our mission.We already make a massive breakthrough in LED wall lamp.the tracking lamp for catering and the top range garden lamp , such as multi-angle scene shooting, production process, environment effect to provide more complete forms.the single mode had changed completely.And provides for all kinds of partners withthoughtful and professional design services, established a comprehensive firm strategic partner. three of one expression will be designed to communicate more rich and more intuitive to end users, we win win in design, in the idea!
           We believe that through our art to the space and lighting technology, the integrated use of lighting effects, absorb advanced foreign counterparts project concept, combined with China's national conditions, can provide you with morethan the desired professional design and high quality service, to achieve mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation,together for society to create outstanding business in the light of the world.
    SIX major advantage of Lingpu lighting
    同步衔接欧美潮流的行业动态,不断提高对照明质量的*理解和照明新技术,通过设计将先进的照明设计理念**表达 .
    Synchronization interface latest global industry dynamics, update innovative technologies , continuously improve the comprehensive understanding on the quality of lighting and lighting technology, advanced lighting design through the design concept of perfect expression.
    Continuously innovative design, rejected assimilation, maintain an independent style,detailed analysis of commercial &home design and fashion trends, the pursuit of extreme life.
    **融合场景模拟和照明理念,“产品实拍 + 生产流程 + 环境融入效果”三位一体的展示方法代替了传统的表现模式,协助方案在众多产品中脱颖而出。
    Perfect fusion scene modeling and lighting concept, "Stages in the production process+Physical effect picture +3D virtual effect" 3 in1 new rendering instead of the traditional display , Assisting to stand out in
    numerous programmes.
    完善设计,优化产品,合理收取定制费用 ,以合作为本,提供一对一的**工艺。
    Design and optimize the product, reasonable charge custom fees, cooperation-oriented,providing one perfect process.
    Production cycle, convenient synchronization optimization, performance monitoring,accurate quality inspection, assembly line production, Interactive product updates ,efficient to meet market demand.
    Provide free charge technical advice , assist to solve the problem of sales before, during and after each stage.
    品牌文化(Brand culture)
    "LING" means the keen fashion,"PU"means popularize the concise   europe stylish.
    客户价值至上,团队合作,创新,责任,真诚 !
    customer first,team work,innovation,responsibility,sincere!
    To become the industry influential design, production and sales of integrated manufacturers!
    一点一滴营造温馨之家、爆棚之铺 !
    Bit by bit to build the sweet home
    主要产品: /MAIN PRODUCTS
    调焦系列:轨道灯 / 天花灯 / 豆胆灯 / 餐吊灯
    餐饮**系列:轨道灯 / 吊线灯 / 吊杆灯
    简欧壁灯系列:户外壁灯 / 室内壁灯
    Focusing series: track lamp/ceiling lamp/grilling lamp
    Catering series:Track lamp/hanging lamp/boom lamp
    wall lamp series: outdoor wall lamp/interior decoration wall lamp
    Garden light series
    联系电话 TEL:(小张)
    公司热线 TEL: 0086757 63916319
    邮编 P.C: 528226
    邮箱 E-mail: 
    网址 URL?
    地址 : 中国广东佛山市南海区狮山镇罗村北湖一路22号
     ADD:First road 22th,north lake shishan town luocun,nanhai area,
          Foshan city,guangdong province,China

    主要市场 全国
    经营范围 公司主要经营LED轨道灯,餐饮轨道灯,科锐轨道灯,商业照明灯饰,壁灯,简欧壁灯, LED壁灯|小型壁灯|简约壁灯|室内壁灯|室外壁灯|欧美风壁灯|现代LED壁灯|轨道灯|科锐轨道灯|店铺背景墙轨道灯|餐饮轨道灯|商业照明|重点照明轨道灯|地坪灯|草坪灯|高档社区草坪灯|LED草坪灯|餐厅壁灯|厨房壁灯|酒店客房壁灯|客厅壁灯|楼道壁灯|书房壁灯庭院壁灯|卫生间壁灯|卧室壁灯|玄关壁灯|阳台壁灯|展厅壁灯|走廊壁灯|餐吊灯|餐饮吸顶轨道灯|餐饮**吊线灯|高显色餐吊灯|欧朗特餐饮


    企业经济性质: 有限责任公司 法人代表或负责人: 郭自坡
    企业类型: 生产加工 公司注册地: 广东/佛山
    注册资金: 人民币 100 万元以下 成立时间: 914406055701489048
    员工人数: 51 - 100 人 月产量: 100000只
    年营业额: 人民币 250 - 500 万元 年出口额: 人民币 50 万元以下
    管理体系认证: 主要经营地点: 佛山市南海区罗村北湖一路22号
    主要客户: 灯饰卖场、灯具卖场、灯饰中间商、大型灯具市场、灯具经销商、古镇灯具老板、中山灯饰卖场、灯具出口外贸商、需OEM加工的灯饰企业 厂房面积: 1200
    是否提供OEM代加工: 开户银行:
    主要市场: 全国
    主营产品或服务: LED壁灯|小型壁灯|简约壁灯|室内壁灯|室外壁灯|欧美风壁灯|现代LED壁灯|轨道灯|科锐轨道灯|店铺背景墙轨道灯|餐饮轨道灯|商业照明|重点照明轨道灯|地坪灯|草坪灯|高档社区草坪灯|LED草坪灯|餐厅壁灯|厨房壁灯|酒店客房壁灯|客厅壁灯|楼道壁灯|书房壁灯庭院壁灯|卫生间壁灯|卧室壁灯|玄关壁灯|阳台壁灯|展厅壁灯|走廊壁灯|餐吊灯|餐饮吸顶轨道灯|餐饮**吊线灯|高显色餐吊灯|欧朗特餐饮